Kalau ndak pernah baca sebelum ni, sila baca yang past semesters dulu..ngeh3x..
=====> Semester 1
=====> Semester 2
Semester 3 : Aku mula menjadi senior..^_^
So, semester 3, smua baru termasuk classmates..
Guess what? Lelaki kelas aku mcm biasa, sangat minoriti, total 5 of us..
Gegurl 20++...ramai btul..(Tp now ramai yg tudung labuh! I likeyz..hehe)
Dikelilingi srikandi syurga gittew~~^_^
Dan yg paling mengejutkan jgak, 3lelaki kt kelas aku adalah abang2 Darul Quran~Wuhuuu..
Masa dapat tau mula2 tu, honestly aku sgt kaget..haha
Mestilah, dalam mindset aku, mistilah diorang ni jenis yg warak lagi alim lagi penyopan kan..
Rupanyaa!! Chey, hehe.. they're nice + funny..
Tadaaa...Fatho, Nijam, Zuhair n Ruhan |
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Wabak 5days MC menular~~ehek |
Sem ni, aku ambil...errr...3 subjects only..
1. Physics 2 - Sir Zahid
2. Chemistry 2 - Mdm Horshiah
3. Computer - Mdm Nazatul Shima
Semua masuk pointer okay..so, kena struggle smua subject...
As always, sem ni pon aku target 4flat jugak mcm previous sem..
Tapi, well, aku ndak mengharap sangat..Any possibilities may come later..ntah~
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My always-busy table..ksiaan dia~hehe |
Jujurlah, aku series lupa mcm mana life aku masa sem 3 nih..
Lewat bha..lepas 2bulan kat rumah (which is now) baru mau update pasal bab nih..huhu
Lewat bha..lepas 2bulan kat rumah (which is now) baru mau update pasal bab nih..huhu
Herm, rasanya study aku dulu okay kutt..
Gangguan utama : KPOP..hahaha!
Sebelum ni aku dengar jugak certain Kpop songs..Cuma, donno why,
Time2 sekelas ngan bdak DQ jgk la aku gatal mau obses2 Kpop..haha
Asal ada masa terluang, memang aku menyibukkan diri lah ngan Kpop nih..
Sangat mengganggu masa study aku sebenarnya!!
*Pfftt..masa cuti ni, satu lagu Korea pn aku ndak dengar....pulaaakk~ =.='
My opinion about the subjects
Physics 2 => Honestly agak mudah..I score well in all my quizzes n got 96% for midsem..Alhamdulillah
Chemistry 2 => Its tough dude!!Setiap kali class aku akan blur. So, aku akan menghayal dan menghayal~~ Faktor utama, aku ndak paham apa lecturer ajar masa kelas..I never get fullmark in any of my quizzes..But I manage to get 95% for midsem..(syukur paper haritu senang)
Computer 1 => Agak freak mcm sejarah, kena hafal bnyak benda2 pelik, cuma dalam English..haha
Dan, subject ni marking dia sangat3x strict..Xboleh salah guna perkataan langsung..=.='
CarryMark, Alhamdulillah, smua agak meyakinkan jgak..
Here's my thought pasal paper2 final...
1. Physics : Weheee..Senang~~Alhamdulillah..mmg agak yakinlah untuk paper Physics..
2. Chemistry : Mcm mau pecahkan henpon org lain pun ada..Bappak susah!! Aku xsempat jawab 4soalan objektif..So, aku guna la gun AK47 sebaiknya..haha
Even ada yg xjawab smua soalan objektif langsung!! Mmg satu dewan la bising...Funny la tym tuh~xp
3. Computer : Erkk..Diffculty level = medium..Cuma, xyakin lah masa jawab soalan..so aku kluar awal..huhu
Di rumah, aku langsung ndak pikir pasal result...Ntah..malas..hehe
Cuma beberapa hari sebelum rsult kluar tu, agak neves jgk la..
But, whatever, aku just doa supaya dapat markah terbaik yg sesuai dengan usaha aku..
But, whatever, aku just doa supaya dapat markah terbaik yg sesuai dengan usaha aku..
Daaan, aku memang dapat firasat yg sem ni aku ndak dapat 4flat..
And, memang betuull...hahahaha..padan muka aku~~
Physics - A
Chemistry - A
Computer - A-
The pointer = 3.95
This!! I expect this..hehe..
Well, walaupon xcapai target, it is still a good one..Alhamdulillah..
Sikit pon xkecewa or frust or whatsoever...Ketawa jak aku mampu..
Sikit pon xkecewa or frust or whatsoever...Ketawa jak aku mampu..
*Padan ngan muka aku.."Layan sangat nafsu Kpop kau tu"..Leulls~*
Jamuan akhir sem 3 |
p/s : About the Chem 2, the secret is to get as high as you can in your carrymark..
nk tnye. saudara2 DQ tu, mmg 30 Juz di dada kn? skdr brtnye. thanks for sharing your experiences, br0. useful for my future. i'm not in that such life. yet.
ReplyDeletehurm..xberani cakap la pulak..Tapi sepatutnya mmg mcm tu lah..
DeleteSetiap minggu akan ada ustaz dari DQ datang utk tasmi' hafazan diorang..
assalamualaikum. hmm after asasi ni, kalaulah result kite tak ok la kan, where they'll send us?
ReplyDeleteKalau result x lepas pointer requirement:
Delete1. repeat subject sampai pointer lepas
2. amek course lain yg require lower pointer
Tp kalau rendah yg amat tu xpasti lak..
But so far,xda la yg sampai xleh pass..insyaAllah~
slm. nk tnya. sy dpt 6a masa spm n A- untuk sbjek BI. sy mohon asasi BI untuk UPU aritu. jd nk thu, overall stiap thun ramai x bdak BI? biasanya dgn result sy tu(ikut pngalamn saudara sndiri or teman2), ada x chance untuk sy? tq :) slm
ReplyDeleteassalamualaikum. I'm waiting for my results which is will come out this march *scary tbh* haha.. i really want to become a pharmacy one fine day. insyaAllah..and uiam is the most uni that i reaaaaaallyyy hope to get. seriously my target is to go to uiam. i dont have basic in arab and my english isn't good. but it doesnt matter i can learn trough it once i enter uiam :) actually i just wanna say that i reaaaallyyy salute you. salute because of your hardwork paid off. alhamdulillah im happy for you congrats.. esp when you got 4flat <---- this is my DREAM pointer tho huhu. by reading your blog, i get so many inspiration :D a really good inspiration! and i can understand a bit about this course. thanks for sharing the info and please pray for me that i can be one of the student in uiam (pharmacy courses). i wish you best of luck in your future. *actually i reaalllyyy love kpop. the exact word is OBSESS. aigoo i think i need to lessen it for my future's sake hoho*
ReplyDeleteSaya baca semua psl blog kau. ya ampunnnnnn!!! Pandainyaa kau mmg geniius ohhh. Gilak eh. Teruja saya. Sy suka cara kos stdy mcm sempoi bhaa. Kasi doa2 sy jugak berjaya mcm ko yg penting pointer kau MANTAPPPPP!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSalam bro..bg tips sikit cmana nk score A for maths 2,maths3 and comp2...syukran